









2025年03月15日 [お知らせ

私たち東京都自閉症協会は、ウクライナの激戦地へルソンの自閉症の子を抱える親の団体「自閉症、特別な宇宙」を侵略当初から応援してきました。 多くの方に実状を知っていただきたいと思います。





Families who stay in Kherson use this route to go for activities in the shelter. ヘルソンに滞在する家族は、このルートを使ってシェルターでの活動に向かいます。

In the shelter. シェルターにて。

Mark and Jan Lewandowski have been living in Ivano-Frankivsk since July 2022 and miss their home.  マークとヤン・ルワンドフスキーは2022年7月からイヴァノ・フランキフスクに住んでおり、故郷を恋しがっています。

Lisa Kondakova lives in Mykolaiv. Their apartment in Kherson was damaged as a result of shelling. She needs medical intervention.   リサ・コンダコバはミコライウに住んでいます。彼らのヘルソンのアパートは砲撃され、損傷を受けました。彼女は医療介入が必要です。

Bohdan Gromakov lives in Kherson. He is studying online to become a cook. His mother and father work as life-saver as firefighters.  ボフダン・グロマコフはヘルソンに住んでいます。彼は料理人になるためにオンラインで勉強しています。彼の母親と父親は消防士としてライフセーバーの職に就いています。

Maksym Pechurov lives in Kherson. He can’t  leave the dangerous area because his mother also taking care of  grandmother. He has difficulty adapting to such circumstances.  マクシム・ペチュロフはヘルソンに住んでいます。彼は母親が祖母の世話をしているため、危険な地域を離れることができません。このような状況に適応するのが難しいです。

Maria Gaidai’s house is under occupation, and her father is defending Ukraine.  マリア・ガイダイの家は占拠され、彼女の父親はウクライナを守っています。

Hlib Hetmanets lives in Odessa with his family and two grandmothers. He goes in for sports and loves mosaics. He misses his friends, so he often calls them.  フリブ・ヘトマネツは家族と二人の祖母と一緒にオデッサに住んでいます。彼はスポーツをし、モザイクが大好きです。彼は友達が恋しいので、よく電話をかけます。

Alexandra Avdeeva lives in another city, but is looking forward to returning home. Drawing playing cards calms her down.  アレクサンドラ・アブデエワは別の街に住んでいて、故郷に帰ることを楽しみにしています。彼女はトランプを描くことで落ち着いて過ごせます。

Serhiy has Down syndrome. He’s very friendly. Currently living in dangerous Kherson, communicates with friends only online. His favorite hero is Spider-Man.  セルヒイはダウン症です。彼はとても友好的です。現在、危険なヘルソンに住んでおり、友達とはオンラインでしかコミュニケーションをとっていません。彼の好きなヒーローはスパイダーマンです。

Oleksandr Horunzhak likes theater and sports. Now he is worried about his father, who is fighting with cancer disease.  オレクサンドル・ホルンジャクは映画とスポーツが好きです。今、彼は癌と闘っている父親のことを心配しています。

Azamat, his mother ans grand parents live in Kherson. He likes theater and misses it greatly.  アザマット、彼の母親と祖父母はヘルソンに住んでいます。彼は映画が好きで、それをとても恋しく思っています。

Volodumur with his family now is living in the village  in the another part of Ukraine. He helps his mother to grow vegetables.  ボロディミルは家族と共に現在、ウクライナの別の地域の村に住んでいます。彼は母親が野菜を育てるのを手伝っています。

Bohdan is in Kherson now- he likes making photos.  ボフダンは今、ヘルソンにいます。彼は写真を撮るのが好きです。


Dear Friends in Japan,

It has been four years since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Our families, who are raising children and young people with autism, are still living in danger.

Some families managed to escape from Kherson, but now they struggle to adapt to new places. Young people with autism find it especially hard to adjust to unfamiliar environments. Those who remained in Kherson live under daily shelling. Drones and bombs have sadly become part of their everyday lives.

People in Kherson are losing their lives, homes are being destroyed, and moving around the city is extremely dangerous. However, our children still need social interaction, education, and emotional support. In Kherson, they gather in shelters for activities. Twice a week, we also hold online meetings where they can communicate, learn, exercise, and receive psychological support.

Despite the war, our children continue to do sports, dance, embroider, paint, and create diamond mosaics. These activities help them develop their skills and interests. However, every family faces many difficulties. Many children need medical check-ups, dental treatment, and other healthcare services, but hospitals and social services have long waiting lists, and private treatment is too expensive.

Psychological and emotional support is especially important. That’s why we are raising funds for a healing retreat in a safe, natural environment where our young people can relax, recover, and regain their strength.

Your support means so much to us. Together, we can help these children and their families get through this difficult time and return to a normal life.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity!


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  • アスペルガー症候群を知っていますか?
  • 東日本大震災 被災者支援特設サイト
  • 世界自閉症啓発デー


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